How to hire a good bookkeeper

How to hire a good bookkeeper Hiring a bookkeeper can be a great way to take the burden of managing your finances off your shoulders, but it's impo...
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IMPORTANCE OF BOOKKEEPING Bookkeeping is the systematic recording and organizing of financial transactions in a business. It's a crucial part of the...
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Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments

Quarterly estimated tax payments are payments made to the IRS and, in some cases, to state tax authorities, on a quarterly basis to cover your tax lia...
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Revenue vs Profit

Revenue vs Profit Revenue and profit are two important financial concepts that every business owner should understand. While they are related, they a...
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What are allowable expenses?

What are Allowable expenses?   Allowable expenses are the costs incurred by a business that are considered to be normal and necessary for its...
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Bookkeeping Tips for Self-Employed

Being self-employed comes with many responsibilities, one of which is keeping track of your finances. Accurate bookkeeping is essential to understandi...
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What makes a good bookkeeper?

A good bookkeeper possesses a combination of skills, qualities, and knowledge that enable them to effectively manage financial records and transaction...
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