It can be difficult for small businesses to save money from the start. They don't always have a lot of resources at their disposal when trying to get...
Small business owners have a lot of responsibility when it comes to their company. They oversee operations, take on inventory, look after clients, and...
Payroll is the business process of paying employees. Running payroll consists of calculating employee earnings and factoring out federal and state pay...
Keeping a record of your sales is important especially when it's time to make your financial reports. Staying up to date and organized with your invoi...
If you sell one-of-a-kind products and can see all of them at a glance, tracking your inventory isn’t such a big issue. But not many people run busine...
Taking on that daring leap from an idea to starting a business takes courage and determination. It's a big risk and can certainly be overwhelming but...
Got plans to start something new? You'll need to check out these helpful tips when launching your own business. It's essential that you plan out your...
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), are common standards and procedures issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It enc...